We chanced upon this in Rapid City before catching our flight home. If only the food had been as impressive as the sign. I've taken what would be described down south as a ass of photos and will work on putting together some more coherent posts soon (with luck).
TeeHee :-)
You could start a website - awkward signage.
Thanks for the morning giggle.
LMAO! Did y'all get a photo of Pecker Rock?
torn: Have you seen http://accidentalpenis.com yet?
Too funny! Makes you wonder.....
So, I couldn't leave a comment here earlier from work... (on a webinar and distracted). Not. Work. Safe. hahahahahahaha
Tee hee.
Unwashed p33nz smell like old curry! FITTING!
Josh: And just exactly how do you come to have so much knowledge of unwashed p33nz?
Cuz I'm gay and have had sexual relations with other men?
Ew, just say no to curry p33n.
*snort* We're off to rapid city later this month. I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for that sign...but will probably not eat there.
Very very funny! Reminds me of the store in Portland Oregon: Hung Far Low.
Hahaha, that's hilarious.
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