This was the view from our front door this afternoon:
I actually don't mind these April snowstorms so much, as they generally melt off quickly. The latest snow I've ever seen was on April 28, 1994, when I was living in St. Paul. It was 6" of heavy wet snow and absolutely lovely, and it was almost all gone by the next day. This one is supposed to linger a little longer than that, but it'll be gone soon enough.
And when I trekked down the hill to check the mail, there was a package containing this:
Sock yarn from Scout! This is a superwash/nylon sportweight that Scout just got, spun exclusively for her, and I'm the very first one to get some all dyed up ("cerrillos mine" colorway). Thanks, Scout! All I can say is mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, soft. Now I have to finish up that Bearfoot sock to free up my needles.
A Brief Plug
David has been bugging me to mention this, and I keep forgetting, but he and the artists' co-op he belongs to signed on as underwriters for his favorite local radio station. WXGR is a non-profit, non-commercial station, and since they're a low signal station (meaning they have a very limited range), most of their listeners are web-based. They specialize in electronic/trance/world music, so if that's within the scope of your musical interests, give them a listen. And maybe consider donating, so that David will have something to listen to while he works.
Hey, bud. Got your note when I got to work this week. So sad I missed you! Work's been great (helped the first lady of Iceland buy tons of lovely cashmere on Monday!) but quite anxiety producing what with the pending sale looming just over the other side of this calendar page.
BTW, tried to aceess WXGR this morning but got a "Problem Loading Page" — maybe it's me but thought I would let you know.
Hmmm, a 2 am post on Thursday april 5 showing a view of the snow this afternoon? We got about 14 inches in Augusta.
Hey, I saw you on the news yesterday. Too bad it wasn't for a happier reason.
Love that Scout yarn!
Hate this crap that has fallen from the sky!
That yarn is loverly, I must converse with Scout for some of my very own.
This weather made for an interesting morning. But, I got a snow-day out of it so I'm not complaining. Electricity would have been nice, though...
We've got snow as well. It's predicted to be around for the weekend with accompanying cold weather.
Where was that nice snowy picture taken? I'm guessing it's your front property, but from reading your posts I was surprised to see the buildings on the other side of the road. I thought you were a bit more isolated and didn't have neighbours that closeby.
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