05 February 2007

Annual Maintenance

I had my annual physical last Monday and all was well. My weight loss is now officially recorded in my chart - 30 pounds since last year. I still have a few more to go to reach my target, but I'm quite pleased with my progress, holiday slide notwithstanding. I also had my lipid profile rechecked, since that was one of the catalysts for changing my diet in the first place. My total cholesterol came down from 212 to 157, my triglycerides from 288 to 101, and my LDL ("bad cholesterol") from 105 to 89. Good, good, and good. My HDL stayed the same, which means I could stand to exercise a bit more, but I'm very pleased overall and those numbers mean more to me than just losing the poundage does.

No knitting content today, as I'm still giving my hands a rest. Staying away from the needles really chafes, but it's necessary at the moment. Fortunately (at least in that respect), work has been crazy busy this past week, so there wouldn't have been very much down time there, anyway. I did sit down with my Hitchhiker the other night, though, for the first time in a couple months. Nothing particularly exciting or new to report - just spinning up a bit more Junior, which I still hope to turn into a sweater someday.

Since I haven't been able to knit, I've also been spending a bit of time looking at yarn cards. For the wedding next year, I've been thinking I'd like to knit myself a vest in traditional Fair Isle patterns. I'm particularly thinking about doing it in Shetland 2000, but I may also try to do something that incorporates accent colors to go with this tartan.


Scoutj said...

Congratulations on those numbers! Those are some significant changes.

And I love your Tartan. You have some great colors to play with.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tartan. It would make a stunning pair of kilt hose.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new numbers - weight and others!! Good for you! I'm trying, too. It's tough.

FiberQat said...

Congratulations on the weight loss and your lipid numbers. Thirty pounds in a year is a good pace; you're more likely to keep it off. Nurture those good habits and you'll see the rewards.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the "vest for a fiance" in Inger Fredholm's "Knitting with a smile"? It's presented in traditional swedish colors (red, green, small amount black and white). I just tried googling it, but nothing came up. The book has some great fair isle in it. And features a local knitter, Alphonse Poulin (who also teaches ballet). And, what about that local Norwegian radio station? Googling that brings up all sorts of stuff about radio and Norway ME.

Sheepish Annie said...

Congratulations on the clean bill of health! That is such an accomplishment in a pretty short tiime. Keep up the good work!

I love the idea of the vest with the tartan!

Christine said...

WAY TO GO! WOO HOO! Keep knitting (when you get back to it) on the stationary bike! I wish I was that coordinated. I almost impaled myself when I tried that.