25 January 2009

More from SLC

Here's a better photo of the mountains I snapped outside our motel room door this morning:


I also have a color version, but somehow managed not to upload that one before handing the camera off to David. Since the color palette of the mountains this morning is already pretty much black and white, though, I don't see that it makes much difference.

Here's a news report with video on the shooting and crash that happened the other night. The nightclub in question is a gay bar, at least on certain nights. On the night of the shootout, it was apparently Latino night. I found the dead guy's name in this story.

In other, more mundane, news, I had a really miserable and largely sleepless night. Before bed last night, I realized that I had left my backpack behind at our booth at the convention center, which was by then locked up for the night. Since I had been keeping my meds in the backpack, it meant that I had no way to quell the restless legs, which would twitch every time I'd start to doze off and wake me up. So this morning, I threw on some clothes and walked the 4 blocks to the convention center to retrieve my backpack. But the meds weren't in it.

Turns out they were right here all along:


I had even set the rental car keys down next to the bottle right before I walked out the door to the convention center.



Dawn Fortune said...

Oh man, that sucks. Hope tonight is better. And those mountains are indeed magnificent! Too bad there's no ocean nearby...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful mountains, even in b&w. As to the forgotten meds, welcome to middle age ;-)

FiberQat said...

One more thing to make this trip an adventure in patience. It's coming to an end.

Alwen said...

Yarg. I set the timer so I won't boil the tea kettle dry (again!), went and poured my tea water, and walked away . . . without turning off the stove. *sigh*

Sheepish Annie said...

Hate it when I think I've left something behind! That's enough to keep me awake, but I can imagine how bad it was without the meds. Gah!

Hope you are enjoying Park City. I have some very fond memories of PC. I just can't remember them quite clearly is all...

margene said...

Did you make your way safely to PC. May the rest of your trip be way more fun!