Actually, there were more rowdies than these, but I was a man with a mission and didn't pull out my camera until the very end of the evening. My diligence paid off, though.

Thanks to Julie for snapping the photo. Tomorrow I shall be washing and blocking, but it stretches out very nicely and should be perfectly shawl-sized. This project has been a labor of love and has been my sole project since April 26, but I'm glad that I shall soon be able to let it go, as I've put quite a bit on hold over the past month and a half.
I can't think of a better word to describe my reaction to this comment, which I received today:
Hi Mel,
I'm writing from Open Source, a public radio show based in Boston and distributed around the country.
Two years ago, we started what's become a yearly tradition for us called Blogsday. Based loosely on Bloomsday, which celebrates "Ulysses" as an evocation of the world in a single day (in Joyce's case, June 16, 1904), the idea is to create a mosaic portrait of the blogosphere by reading excerpts of blog posts written all over the world on the same day, for one night, for one hour, on live radio. This year, we chose this past Tuesday, June 5, to collect posts from, and the show will air Thursday night from 7-8pm EST.
I'm writing because we loved this post, and it's on the shortlist to be included among our Blogsday Best of the June 5th Blogosphere collection. Congratulations!
I won't get my hopes up too much that my post will be included, but it's just staggering to me that it would even receive this much recognition. I still plan on listening to the show, though. Just in case.
One More Thing
I have before mentioned Glenn Greenwald's political blog on Salon.com. If you're not a reader, I highly recommend it, as I find his writing to be very insightful and well-reasoned. Today's post has a quote from Gen. Wesley Clark that is particularly worth reading.
It was an excellent post. Well done!
It was good to see you last night. The shawl is gorgeous; your aunt is going to love it!
Awesome shawl! I can't wait to see it all blocked out.
What did I miss? Which post did they love?
Congrats on both the finished shawl as well as the blog acknowledgment, the former is beautiful, the latter is well-deserved.
most excellent shawl - and seriously cool re the radio show!
Congrats on both the shawl and the blog nod! That is awesome!!!!!
Hoping to see you at CWS night sometime over the summer. I'm hoping to be there a few times once school gets out.
Very cool! I'll keep my fingers crossed!
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