into this (I know it's blurry. I blame Lee Ann

and ultimately into this:

With a lot of this left over:

I believe the waste is about 40% of the total, which is quite a bit. It's not a fleece I would have chosen if I'd had the option, but seeing as it's a labor of love, I keep plugging away at it. The final yarn is actually quite nice and not overly scratchy. Dyes arrived today from Halcyon, so now I just have to decide which I want to use on this yarn. I'm hoping to be able to haul out the dyepots this weekend and see what I can do with it.
Hope your wrists get to feeling better. I recoment a hot wax manicure at a salon. Not only does it sofen your hands, but it makes your wrists and hands feel so wonderful and greatly reduces pain!
I think high waste percentage is a major factor with combs...somebtimes I will card some of the leftover to see how it tiurns out, or save it for stuffing.
I've never used combs...they always seemed like yet another thing upon which I might impale myself. It's the bleeding on the wool that really concerns me. But that yarn is really quite beautiful. It has a lovely lustre!
I'm completely jealous about the combs. I've got a CVM/Rom fleece that is cleaner than clean, but needs a bath and a comb before I do anything with it. I've had people tell me to spin from the lock and even spin in the grease, but I rather like the other people in the house to not recoil from me in horror when they encounter the barnlike odor emanating from my spindle...so bath it is. Spinning from lock? But...but...what about the lovely fluffy clouds combing makes? :-)
Don't tell me. You got wool in the camera, didn't you...
This yarn looks so nice and fluffy.
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