27 January 2010

Apropos of Nothing

I heart The Oatmeal.

How long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor?

Created by Oatmeal

In Other News

David's been having some lower left quadrant abdominal pain the past few days, so he went to see the doctor, who thinks it may be diverticulitis. Other than being over 40 and not getting as much exercise as he probably ought, he's not exactly a typical diverticulitis patient. We're both vegetarian - he has been for around 25 years - and we eat a very high fiber diet. Since I do most of the cooking, I make sure of that. We both also drink plenty of water, which he was instructed to do after his kidney stone a few years ago.

Anyway, he's got a CT scan scheduled in about 11 hours, so I need to try to get a bit of sleep so I can go with him to the hospital. More to follow, I guess.


teejtc said...

My hopes and prayers are with the two of you today.

Grace and Peace,

Chris said...

Here's hoping the scan goes well. Digestive stuff is a drag. :(

Carol said...

Thinking good thoughts for you both.

Anonymous said...

I <3 The Oatmeal, too. Thinking of David and hoping for good news.

Michelle M. said...

Hope David's appointment goes well.

Oh, and 50 seconds.

JJ said...

Good luck! It's been about 11 hours, so I will be projecting postivie waves your way.

Lisa/knitnzu said...

You would survive 7 more seconds than me. Huh, go figure! 25 years of martial arts doesn't count much against the beast, eh?

Best of luck to David! And you!!

Emily said...

By now you've done the CT scan..I hope you find out quickly what the deal is. And that the deal is teentsy.

Susan in HK said...

Good luck to you and David, Mel.

anne marie in philly said...

16 seconds.

{{{{{hugs}}}}} and good thoughts being sent david's way!

Miss Trudy said...

Good luck and keep us posted.

rosesmama said...

I hope all went well. I only last 1 minute 6 seconds with a velociraptor. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Sending positive thoughts David's way.

Roger and Patti

that's J-O-S-H said...

According to that quiz, 54 seconds would pass by until I fully kicked the grump out of that raptor and taught him a lesson in manners.