11 July 2009

The Visit with the In-Laws: An Overview

We're on our way to the airport in just a few minutes, and my laptop doesn't seem to be able to recognize David's camera, so this will be brief and sans photos, but it was actually a good visit. They still can't deal with the whole having me as an in-law idea and David's mom introduced at one point as "David's friend", but I wasn't expecting miracles. At the very least, they were pleasant and our time with them didn't have nearly the awkwardness of our last visit to his parents' house in South Dakota.

Aside from that, it was a good chance to meet up with some long-lost friends in the Seattle area, as well as meeting up with a friend I'd only known online until now (Hi, Ryan!). But now it's time to finish packing our stuff back up so we can get back home, where I hear we're finally supposed to be getting a few days of sun, which we actually got quite a bit of here in Washington.

Photos, spectacular and otherwise, when I can get them downloaded.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fairly typical visit with pretty much any in-laws ;-)

Lisa/knitnzu said...

Even though they're small steps, they are in the right direction, and that can't be but good.

You could always be the outlaw. When I was living in sin (!gasp not that!) with a man, I refered to his family as my outlaws.

Sheepish Annie said...

Progress is progress, right? Who knows? Maybe next time you'll get the Thanksgiving recipes and your name in the family bible!

I know. I'm hopelessly hopeful. But it's nice that they have decided to be more pleasant, if nothing else!

Carol said...

I feel bad for them, being so limited in their concept of what is family. I have probably told you this a zillion times but I would be thrilled if any of my kids (sons or daughter) brought home a guy like you to join our family. Hugs.

Sam said...

Ah, and therein lay the meaning in the oft-times empty mantra "coming out is a process." I feel in a position to say that because it is regularly quite similar with different elements of my family and Steven's.

I can't tell you how many times i've come out to my Dad and Stepmother.

Sam said...

btw, now that is was already like 5 trips ago for you guys, we have to exchange notes on La Loggia. How did you like Rob and Joel? Montreal is gorgeous isn't it... when i saw your pic of the little wood plank bridge in the Japanese Garden, i was right back there.

Matthew said...

Welcome home, glad to hear that the trip went relatively well.

Also, sorry to hear that strain has kept you from knitting... but I am envious of your quilting skills. I can manage to sew on a button; sloppy but securely. And your quilting is for such a nice reason, I'm sure she will love it!

Andy said...

My father once introduced my partner, Fred, to someone as my "runnin' buddy." I wanted to scream. Now that we're married, I'll use the word "husband" at every chance I get when I'm with them.

BOSSY said...

Baby steps... baby steps.... so hard in life when we're ready for big strides.